Social Media Marketing

How To Use Facebook To Promote Your Family Lawyers Business

Even if you are not an active user of social media yourself personally, nor have never considered it as a means of promoting your family lawyers business, it cannot have escaped your notice that social media plays a huge role in the lives of many people. Individuals use it to communicate with friends and family across the globe, they get their news from it, and social media  is also a huge influencer with certain posts and stories suddenly going viral and being seen by millions.

At the top of the social media tree there is Facebook, and whilst it often is the target of some justifiable criticism, there is no denying that many people spend much of their lives on that platform. As a business owner,, this should alert you to the fact that many of those people will be those living in your local community and in the areas where your client base is located.

It is a simple fact of marketing that if you want to promote your business then you need to do so where your potential clients will be and can consume your marketing messages. Before the internet existed that would have been  local newspapers, TV, radio, and billboards. Today, it is on social media platforms such as Facebook where those same people can be found.

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SEO Target Marketing

SEO Local Target Marketing

If you want to have a successful business, you need to make sure that all your company information and advertisements reach your local target audience.

This may not be easy, but digital marketing agencies are experts in local SEO marketing, which can be a great help in attaining your local advertising goals.

The survival and growth of a business are greatly dependent on local target marketing. Unknowingly or by design, you may already be using target marketing techniques in your advertising campaigns.

Target marketing consists of directing your advertisements and commercials to focus on a particular segment of consumers. If you are selectively placing your commercials and ads on certain websites based on their readers and site contents, it means you are already using target marketing to promote your business. In this scenario, SEO target marketing is simply extending what you are already doing a little further.

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Humor in Marketing

A Case Study in Humor in Marketing

Saw this story over at 37Signals and had to pounce on it for an object lesson. Every now and then, you get an opportunity for inspiration, but it has to be timely or it’s going to fold.

So, the back-story: In the United States, Barack Obama just got elected President… yes, you know that, but let’s move along… so he’ll be vacating his US Senate seat, and the responsibility to find his replacement falls to Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. Whom, you might not have heard, blatantly solicited for a bribe to appoint somebody, effectively putting the seat up for sale to the highest bidder.
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Search Engine Marketing

Your Search Engine Marketing Guide

Advance and high technology has opened up opportunities to make our work easier.

But it has also brought some kind of bad effects with it. You can find lots of information on the Internet, some of them are truly useful and the rest is simply worthless information floating around the Internet. The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) optimizes the ranking of each page and brings the relevant information to you. SEM or search engine marketing is a term, which encompasses all kind of efforts to generate leads.

Search engine marketing includes search engine optimization, pay per click management, and landing page optimization.

Usually the task of SEM is to promote websites by increasing the ranking in major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. There are few steps in search engine marketing, which can guide you in developing your own website.

At the outset, do a thorough market research. Most websites have a targeted audience, which has a large proportion of similar age group, gender and income bracket.

Initially, you may find a smaller proportion of audience focused for a particular segment. As a result you have to establish a target market for your site before you start working on the design or content of the market. For this you have to decide on how you can make your website more appealing.

The next step is to make your visibility on search engines or a good quality Online Business Directory. It is essential to conduct a keyword research. While researching for keywords, you should keep in mind that every person browses the Internet in a different way and use different keywords. Hence, there is a variation of terminology and statements, which are determined by the age, profession, and the part of the world they come from.

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Digg-ing for SEO success

In case you haven’t been on the Internet for the past year or so, there has been a tremendous amount of attention being captured by social networking sites such as Digg.

As Digg explains things, it is “a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web.”

So, what does this have to with Search Engine Marketing?

There is a phenomena called the Digg effect, which can bring a ton of traffic to your site in a small amount of time – sometimes within minutes.

Everything on Digg, from news to videos to images — is submitted by the digg community. Once something is submitted, other people see it and Digg what they like best. If your submission receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for millions of visitors to see.

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Link Building

Effective Link Building Strategies

Link building is an important search engine optimization technique that helps bloggers or web masters get more traffic to their websites. Link building is popular among net marketers, and can result in a lot of traffic to their websites or blogs.

Even with a well designed site, you may find visitors can’t find you. Therefore, they will never see what you are actually selling. All your efforts will be in vain.

Link building works on the SEO technique. SEO is a service that helps to make the websites or blogs rank up the top on the search engines natural search results.

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Internet Advertising

Internet Advertising For Business

Whatever business you handle, it needs to be advertised. Internet advertising is one important way to do it through a website exposure. Advertising plays a key role for success of any business.

Initially television, radio and newspapers were major sources of advertising. However, today Internet has provided a vast resource to promote and advertise any business or professional business techniques. Though it is challenging, it is one of the fastest way to reach across large audiences and prospects anywhere across the globe. Today, there are several entrepreneurs, who wish to market their products and services on the World Wide Web.

Before you advertise on the Internet, you should be aware that the trends and modes of advertising keep on changing at a fast pace. You should be able to adapt to the emerging market changes and accordingly position your business on the Internet. There are several ways in which you can advertise your company or business. To begin with, you can place your ad on the popular websites through link exchange program. This will help you get some exposure through the frequently visited sites. You can also advertise next with a well-known blog or articles on the Internet to get noticed initially.

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SEO Services

When Should I Consider SEO Services?

SEO should be implemented during the conception of your website design strategy.

If you’re working with Slinky, we will SEO-design your site with every consideration for the search engine optimisation process from the beginning.

This saves you money having to correct those issues that might be creating website ranking problems within the search engines. We will give you or your web graphics designer clear guidelines to use that will keep the search engines and your customers happy.

Slinky’s site-based optimisation services are available if you already have a website, but are not having any success being found. We analyse your site to identify bad architecture in its structure and unhelpful content.

We can make recommendations that will make your site both user- and search engine-friendly.

In addition, during the search optimisation process we will make specific changes designed to improve your site’s functionality, appearance, and overall quality for search engines and your customers.

Online Order Processing

Make it Easy to Buy From your Website

To make it easy for the customers, there needs to be an online order processing system. It mostly involves a shopping cart to select and store orders.

Slinky Digital Agency advise that you will need a payment option like PayPal. This involves getting a PayPal ‘business account‘ – which is quick and easy. PayPal will need to verify you as a legitimate person by several levels of checks ie: bank account, credit card etc

If you choose to accept credit cards via your own processing account, you will need a bank internet merchant account – which can be a tiresome process and more expensive to set up and operate. If you are a serious business – it is the only option in my opinion.

For this option you will need to sign up with a secure gateway provider, which sits in between your website and the bank website. Providers such as Securepay or Camtech in Australia are a good option. Others are Verisign (owned by PayPal) – but they are a more expensive option.

There has to be enough security to allow payments online. The credibility of the merchant is a very important factor to be checked. Your order form should be secured which may be done using SSL encryption technologies. Additionally, you may also offer a money back guarantee to people to build up confidence.

Remember that it is also useful to display a price list of your products. It makes it easier for the visitor to make a decision to buy from your site.

Unless you provide a simple system for the potential customers to buy from you, you cannot keep him happy. It is important to make a system that would not frustrate your potential customer.